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Home » Expert Hacks on How to Write An Argumentative Essay

Expert Hacks on How to Write An Argumentative Essay

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What Is an Argumentative Essay? How to Write an Argumentative Essay The Argumentative Essay is a type of essay that provides arguments from both sides of a debate . This type of essay requires students to study a subject, gather information, analyze facts, and express their opinions concisely. However, all sides of an argument must be portrayed in an equally reasonable way in an argumentative essay. The points you gather should be credible and endorse the stance you take in the essay. Even if you can take a side based on the topic in an argumentative article, you must consider the other side and address its advantages and disadvantages and get marketing essay help.

Writing An Argumentative Essay: A Step-by-Step Guide

An argumentative essay necessitates extensive subject analysis from previously published papers and literature. Besides, factual research from interviews, studies, and surveys is needed to support this essay genre. This is a piece of writing that allows the student to take a position on a subject. In a successful argumentative article, the author can use facts and evidence to convince their readers and support their perspective.

In an argumentative article, the following steps should be followed.

  1. The Selection of a Topic: For an argumentative article, selecting an opinionated topic is critical. A case that can be strongly argued for or against the subject aids the essay’s intent. Choose an essay subject on which you already have some knowledge, making the research process go more smoothly.
  1. Learning and Researching the Topic Deeply: Study and explore the topic fully and thoroughly. Reading various materials on the subject, such as blogs, interviews, and surveys, will support and strengthen your response. Make sure to discuss the topic’s most important concerns and new perspectives on the subject that has yet to be addressed. This will excite the examiner’s interest in the student’s essay.
  1. Outlining the essay: After you’ve completed your study facilitates the writing process. It also ensures that no argument is ignored or overused, resulting in a well-crafted essay. A well-written introduction, two supporting paragraphs, a counter argument paragraph, and a conclusion for summing up comprise an argumentative essay outline. Outlining the essay after you’ve completed your study facilitates the writing process. It also ensures that no argument is ignored or overused, resulting in a well-crafted essay. A well-written introduction, two supporting paragraphs, a counter argument paragraph, and a conclusion for summing up comprise an argumentative essay outline.
  1. Introduction: An argumentative essay’s presentation necessitates careful consideration and extensive debate. This paragraph should provide context on the subject to help the reader understand what you will be discussing in the essay. Following your inclusion, some of the questions that will improve your presentation are:
  1. What makes this issue so vital?
  2. What effect does the subject have on others, including me?
  3. What are your options for dealing with the problem?
  1. Supporting Paragraphs: The supporting paragraphs make up the majority of the body of the article. The critical statement that supports the writer’s thesis should be outlined in the first supporting paragraph. The writer must answer the second statement to help their idea in the second supporting paragraph. Data, facts, figures, illustrations, quotes, and other information that will support the writer’s claim should be included in these paragraphs and also get management essay help.
  1. Counterargument: The counterargument is the essay’s second-to-last paragraph, right before the end. The writer must imagine an objection to what they have been writing to create earlier in this paragraph. It’s as if the opposing side were referring to the motion during a debate. You have to imagine the problem from a different angle now, where you have been stating your one point of view in the article. This can be accomplished by approaching the subject and mentioned issues from the perspective of a critic.
  1. Essay Conclusion: In the concluding paragraph, use the essay’s main points to summarise the entire essay. The conclusion is one of the most critical paragraphs in the essay, and its development necessitated a great deal of thought and consideration. In the end, the relation between the thesis and the body of the essay must be re-established. In the last sentence of the conclusion paragraph, the topic’s key concept addressed in the essay must be repeated in a simple and convincing tone.
  1. Fill In The Blanks: You have to do now to fill in the blanks with specific research information if you did your job in the previous phase and wrote a well-developed outline. Consider which of the three techniques you’re employing: Classical, Rogerian, or Toulmin, and change your tone and arguments accordingly.
  2. Edit: Once you’ve finished your essay, go through it again and look for any new edits that might help you develop it. Also, where can us citizen travel with vaccine check to see if your essay contains any of the following boxes.
  1. Is the subject you’ve selected suitable for someone to argue for or against?
  2. Are your points well-written?
  3. Have you backed up your claims with your best examples and research?
  4. Is there a clear idea for the topic’s future in conclusion?


It is not difficult to write an excellent argumentative essay. You can compose a great essay by researching, selecting an argument style, developing a well-developed outline, and going through the editing checklist. Best of luck, and keep writing!

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